Winter Holidays: The Gift Of A Snow White Smile

Do visions of a dazzling winter wonderland fill your every thought during holiday time? If so, you might find that the stark contrast of snowy white daydreams with your discolored smile is very displeasing. The good news is that you can have the snow white smile you want! When you take a moment away from figuring out what everyone else wants for the winter holidays, reflect on your own wish list! If a sparkling smile is the gift you most hope to receive, we encourage you to schedule a visit with us. We will talk with you about your smile, while assisting you in deciding which cosmetic dentistry solution will guide you toward that bright smile!

Come In For Teeth Whitening

If you are a patient who is suffering from allover yellowing (or darkening), we commonly suggest cosmetic dentistry in the form of teeth whitening. This is a quick way to transform your dismal smile into one that is vivid and bright, so you can enjoy holiday after holiday with a grin you are proud to put on display. Wondering if it’s right for you? If you have mild to moderate staining on your natural teeth, you just might make a great candidate. Come in to find out.

Visit Us For Porcelain Veneers

Maybe you are dreaming big! Perhaps a whiter smile is number one on your wish list, quickly followed by a smile that is free of chips, that looks a little straighter, that has no gaps, and one with symmetrical teeth length. If so, the cosmetic dentistry treatment you will want to consider is porcelain veneers, which offers both a glittering smile and everything else on your list! You may be a wonderful candidate if you want multiple improvements for your natural teeth. Schedule a visit to learn more.

Dr. Naminik: