Cosmetic Dentistry: The Benefits of Veneers

If you have problems with the shape and shade of your smile, you may assume your cosmetic dentist will recommend multiple procedures. However, we have a unique cosmetic procedure designed to address multiple esthetic issues. What are the benefits of veneers? Will they look natural?

Long Lasting Restoration

Like our crowns, veneers are long lasting. In fact, with proper care and attention your new restoration can last for decades. You simply care for them as you would a natural tooth, maintaining good dental habits. You should brush your teeth twice a day and floss once a day. You should also take time every six months to see your dentist for a checkup and cleaning. You not only keep your restoration strong and beautiful, but you also help safeguard your entire smile against decay, gum disease, and other oral health concerns.

Lifelike Appearance

Veneers are made from porcelain, a strong material we use for its lifelike appearance. The material offers the same translucent appearance as natural tooth enamel. Porcelain also contains stain-resistant properties and withstand bite forces and pressure. We can shade the material to ensure the new restoration blends seamlessly with your smile.

Addresses Multiple Esthetic Issues

When do we recommend a veneer? We often suggest them to address multiple cosmetic issues. They can mask permanent teeth stains that don’t respond well to whitening, as well as reshape malformed or damaged teeth. We can use them to close gaps between teeth or even correct the appearance of minor misalignment. Placed onto the front of a tooth, these restorations can completely transform the tooth’s appearance in as little as two visits. If you have any questions about our veneers, or if you would like to schedule a consultation, then contact our office today.

Dr. Naminik: