A Conservative Approach To TMJ Treatment

TMJ disorder, also known as TMD, impacts millions in this country and without treatment, could mean painful symptoms and complications with your bite balance. In order to offer relief, your Woodland Hills, CA, dentist and our team could provide a non-invasive treatment options, such as Invisalign® and oral appliance therapy.

The Many Potential Causes of TMJ Disorder

The disorder means that major stress and pressure has been placed into the temporomandibular joints, which connect your jaw and skull. The strain then impacts how your bite fits together and could eventually mean trouble fully opening and closing your mouth. The factors behind the pressure could include complications with oral structure size and development, tooth loss, impacted teeth, misalignment, and injury to the face or jaw. Untreated bruxism (teeth grinding) and high levels of stress could also be factors as well. Part of your treatment process will involve identifying the causes behind your TMD symptoms.

Common Warning Signs and Complications

People with the disorder may experience painful headaches and migraines, or possibly popping or clicking in the jaw joints. Other warning signs include aches in the neck, shoulders, and face or jaw. If you develop complications like bruxism, the grinding and clenching could mean damaged enamel and tooth decay, so you also experience tooth sensitivity and toothaches. To avoid worsening symptoms and other related oral health issues, please see us as soon as you notice one or more of these common symptoms.

Non-Invasive Treatment Options

We start with an initial exam, in which we employ CT scans and digital x-rays to obtain a clear picture of your mouth, jaw joints, and the surfaces if the teeth, identifying the signs of wear and friction that could point to TMD. From there, we will select the right treatment option for you. For some, we could use orthodontics, such as Invisalign, to correct misalignment, or place a custom dental crown to restore the balance of your smile. We could also create an oral appliance based on the digital scans we take of your smile. The device then fits like a mouthguard and is worn at night, repositioning the jaw joints to ease pressure and prevent further symptoms. If you have any questions about how we treat issues like TMJ disorder and bruxism, then contact our team today.

Do You Have Questions About Treating TMJ Disorder?

Treating TMJ issues could improve how your bite fits together and prevent complications like bruxism. For more information on correcting the balance of your bite and preventing damage or discomfort, then please schedule a consultation by calling Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA today at 818-347-5124. We also proudly welcome patients from Thousand Oaks, Westlake, Encino, Sherman Oaks, and all surrounding communities.


Dr. Naminik: