Am I Good Candidate For Implant Dentistry?

Last week, we took a look at what makes dental implants different from bridges and dentures. In today’s blog, we’re going to look at who make a good candidate for implant dentistry. How do we assess candidacy and what oral health issues can impact your ability to receive implant-retained replacement teeth?

Gum Disease and Other Underlying Health Issues

We first need to assess the current state of your oral health. Often, certain factors can impact your candidacy. For example, untreated gum disease can actually lead to periodontitis, the advanced stage that can not only cause tooth loss, but also implant failure. We will need to help you manage the issue before we can start the process of placing and restoring dental implants.

Assessing Jawbone Strength

When you lose your teeth, your body stops sending doses of calcium and phosphorus to the jawbone around the missing teeth. Without these key nutrients, the jawbone issue begins to dissolve. As we lose jawbone density, we can suffer further tooth loss and an aged appearance. In addition, there may not be enough strong tissue to support a new tooth. If this is the case, you may need bone grafting before we can proceed.

Placing Your New Teeth

If we find no underlying health issues, or if we treat them, then we can move forward with placement. The dental implant is made from a titanium, a biocompatible material. When inserted surgically into the jawbone, it bonds like a natural tooth root. We can then create ad place a custom-made dental crown to complete the new tooth. If you have any questions about addressing tooth loss or about improving your candidacy for the procedure, then contact our team today. Don’t live with gaps in your smile, talk to us about tooth loss solutions!

Talk To Woodland Hills Dental Arts About Addressing Tooth Loss

We can assess your candidacy and help you enjoy quality tooth replacement. Schedule a consultation by calling Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA, today at (818) 347-5124. We also proudly work with patients from Thousand Oaks, Westlake, Encino, Sherman Oaks, and all other surrounding areas.



Dr. Naminik: