Better Comfort With STA

We take the comfort of our patients very seriously, which is why we offer not only dental sedation, but Single Tooth Anesthesia (STA), which uses advanced technology to administer anesthesia in a comfortable manner. In today’s blog, your Woodland Hills, CA, dentist talks about how we keep our patients comfortable.

Single Tooth Anesthesia 

This is a computerized delivery system, one that offers greater control and precision in the administration of a local anesthesia. The system is regulated by a digital system that employs a pressure force feedback system. This means a more direct administration of medication to the areas of your smile that will undergo treatment, all without collateral damage to your gum tissues. Essentially, a more accurate, precise, and comfortable means of offering your local anesthesia. Often, we find this portion of the visit is the one patients most fear, and we’re so glad to hear how comfortable it was for them once we use the Single Tooth Anesthesia system.

Dental Sedation 

Of course, we also have dental sedation available for patients. With sedation, you enter a calm and relaxed state with little to no memory of the procedure at all. We have nitrous oxide, oral sedation, and IV sedation, and the one we recommend will depend on the treatment we’re offering, or on your levels of dental anxiety. We don’t want your dental fears to stand between you and a healthier smile, one you can feel proud to show to the world. Which is why we use STA and dental sedation to help facilitate a comfortable and relaxing experience in the office, one that leaves you ready for your next checkup and cleaning! 

Schedule a Visit Soon 

If you haven’t scheduled a visit yet for 2022, then give us a call today. We want to make sure you start the year off with a healthy and beautiful smile, and that is possible with your checkup and cleaning. We can take a detailed examination of your smile, and address any concerns we discover before your smile develops serious decay or infection, or suffers tooth loss! We also clean the teeth, a process that gently removes all plaque and tartar to prevent complications from developing, such as cavities, gingivitis, gum disease, or even bad breath and teeth stains. 

If you have any questions about these visits, or about the options we use to ensure a comfortable experience, then contact our team today to learn more.

Talk To Your Woodland Hills, CA Dentist Today

Our team wants to help you enjoy your time in our office. If you would like to learn more about our treatment options and calming solutions, contact your Woodland Hills, CA dentist, Dr. Naminik, by calling 818-347-5124.

Dr. Naminik: