
Creating Oral Appliances With Digital Technology

When we use Invisalign® to treat misalignment, or create devices to address TMJ disorder or bruxism (teeth grinding), we want…

Dr. Naminik

Invisalign® Offers Straighter Smiles With Little Visibility

If you have poor alignment, then you may feel uncomfortable with the appearance of your smile. Your oral health could…

Dr. Naminik

Veneers Provide A Smile Makeover In Two Visits

Have you ever wondered if you could undergo a complete makeover on your smile? Well, if you have multiple esthetic…

Dr. Naminik

Sculpting And Shaping Your Smile In One Visit

In the previous blog, we looked at our professional teeth whitening treatment. But cosmetic issues are not just limited to…

Dr. Naminik

Try Our Personalized Whitening Kits

If you would like a brighter smile, then you could be interested in teeth whitening. Instead of relying on store…

Dr. Naminik

Putting A Halt To Your Sleep Apnea With An Appliance

For many, chronic snoring and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) could lead to serious trouble for your health and quality of…

Dr. Naminik

A Conservative Approach To TMJ Treatment

TMJ disorder, also known as TMD, impacts millions in this country and without treatment, could mean painful symptoms and complications…

Dr. Naminik

Let’s Put A Stop To Your Teeth Grinding

If you grind your teeth on a frequent basis, known as bruxism, this could eventually damage your smile and lead…

Dr. Naminik

Protecting Your Periodontal Health

We often focus on protecting the health of our teeth, which helps reduce the risk of cavities and infection. But…

Dr. Naminik

Cleaning Your Smile To Remove Plaque

We recently talked about your exams and why we suggest one every few months. But what about a dental cleaning?…

Dr. Naminik