
You Have Time To Use Your Dental Benefits

Before you know it, the end of 2022 will be here. Sooner than that, the hectic holiday season will be…

Dr. Naminik

Creating Invisalign® Aligners With iTero®

Invisalign® aligners are a cosmetic option for correcting misalignment, so you can obtain a clear smile again. To design them…

Dr. Naminik

Staying Cavity-Free After Halloween

When Halloween arrives, kids and adults alike will be susceptible to tooth decay. We want everyone to enjoy their trick…

Dr. Naminik

Enhancing Your Smile With Porcelain Veneers

We’ve talked about teeth whitening and dental bonding, but what if there was one procedure that could offer the benefits…

Dr. Naminik

Cosmetic Treatment In Only One Visit

Cosmetic dentistry isn’t just about teeth whitening. We also have treatments to address misshapen teeth and other issues related to…

Dr. Naminik

Shining Smiles With Professional Teeth Whitening

Do you have stained teeth? If so, you could feel uncomfortable with the appearance of your smile. To help brighten…

Dr. Naminik

Nonintrusive Sleep Apnea Treatment

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) can lead to poor health and exhaustion. Fortunately, we can offer treatment options that are nonintrusive…

Dr. Naminik

Do You Have TMJ Disorder?

TMJ disorder, also referred to as TMD, is a common oral health issues and one that could lead to major…

Dr. Naminik

Helping You Stop Grinding Your Teeth

Do you often grind your teeth at night? Known as bruxism, this could lead to serious soreness in your face…

Dr. Naminik

Sharing An Interest In Veneers With Your Cosmetic Dentist

If you know you are interested in showing off a better smile, what is stopping you from sharing that interest…

Dr. Naminik