Boosting Periodontal Health With A Scaling And Root Planing

A deep cleaning could help improve periodontal health by removing harmful layers of plaque and tartar. In today’s blog, your Woodland Hills, CA, dentist will explain the importance of keeping your gums healthy, and also discuss how we use a scaling and root planing to help protect and preserve your smile. In as little as one visit, we can help restore your oral health.

The Signs of Danger

When you have gingivitis, your gums have become inflamed, leading to soreness, redness, and bleeding when you brush and floss. Unless reversed with treatment, this could allow pockets to form at the gum line as tissues pull away from the teeth. Bacteria entering these pockets causing periodontal disease. Common factors behind inflammation include poor oral hygiene habits, improper cleaning visits, cigarette and tobacco use, inflammatory illnesses, certain medications, and a family history of poor periodontal health.

The Impact on Your Smile

Gingivitis can be reversed, but once gum disease develops there is no cure. However, routine care could help protect your smile and prevent the onset of periodontitis, the advanced stage linked to adult tooth loss. To avoid missing teeth and uncomfortable symptoms, then you should let us know when you experience changes to your smile, such as sore, red gums that bleed easily. Don’t let this issue cause adult tooth loss and poor oral health, come see us as soon as you experience the symptoms we talked about in today’s blog.

Treatment with a Deep Cleaning

To reverse gingivitis and help manage gum disease, we may suggest a scaling and root planing. The deep cleaning involves using an ultrasonic scaling device and a manual tool to break up and remove all plaque and tartar from the outside of the teeth and roots. For some, this could take one visit. However, severe cases may need between two and four visits. We administer a local anesthetic to ensure you feel comfortable and then polish your teeth afterward to ensure a smooth finish and brighter appearance. Afterward, we will recommend a routine cleaning every three to four months to keep plaque and tartar under control. If you have any questions about how to protect periodontal health and keep smiles strong, then please contact our team today.

Do You Have Questions About Improving Periodontal Health?

Our team wants to help you maintain good gum health, ensuring a beautiful and stable smile for years to come. To schedule an appointment and to learn about our general and preventive treatments, please call Woodland Hills Dental Arts today at 818-347-5124. You can find us at 6325 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Suite 322 Woodland Hills, CA 91367. We also proudly welcome patients from Thousand Oaks, Westlake, Encino, Sherman Oaks, and all surrounding communities.


Dr. Naminik: