Cosmetic Smile Repair With Bonding And Contouring

With cosmetic dentistry, we offer patients in Woodland Hills, CA, much more than just a brighter smile. In fact, we can often repair damaged teeth and address issues with a tooth’s shape in just one visit. Find out how your cosmetic dentist uses bonding and contouring to transform smiles, and help you enjoy a healthier and more attractive smile.

How Does Bonding Fix Chipped Teeth?

If you have a chipped tooth, then we may be able to repair them in a single visit. We begin by removing any decay from your damaged tooth. We then clean the tooth and etch the surface. We create the bonding material using composite resin, which is metal-free and can be shaded to match your smile. We apply the material in several thin layers, which mimics the translucent nature of tooth enamel. The dentist will sculpt and shape your tooth as the material cures under the light. Finally, we polish the tooth for a more lifelike appearance. In addition to repairing chipped teeth, we also mask teeth stains, close gaps between the teeth, and address other minor cosmetic and restorative issues.

Will Contouring Address My Pointed Teeth?

Do you have teeth that appear pointed? If so, we may address the problem in one visit using dental contouring. With contouring, we gently buff the tooth, removing a small amount of surface structure to reshape the tooth. We dull pointed teeth, reshape malformed or chipped teeth, and also smooth any pits or grooves in the tooth’s surface. The entire procedure only takes a single sitting to complete.

The Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry

Often, addressing your cosmetic issues benefits your smile’s health. For example, repairing damaged teeth could potentially prevent tooth decay and infection, which could arise due to chips and cracks exposing sensitive inner tooth structure. Another benefit you may experience is a boost to your confidence. People often seek cosmetic treatment before a wedding, big event, or even a job interview. Cosmetic dentistry offers health benefits and improvements to your quality of life. So, if you wish you had a more attractive smile, then let us know. We will examine your smile and create a personalized treatment plan. We will then work with you to correct your cosmetic concerns and help you achieve a stunning new smile.

Woodland Hills Dental Restores Smiles

We want to use cosmetic dentistry to return your smile to full function and beauty, while also safeguarding your overall oral health. Schedule a consultation to discuss our various cosmetic solutions by calling Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA, today at (818) 347-5124. We also proudly work with patients from Thousand Oaks, Westlake, Encino, Sherman Oaks, and all other surrounding areas.


Dr. Naminik: