Could Endodontic Treatment Preserve Your Aching Tooth?

An endodontic treatment, commonly referred to as a root canal, helps treat cases of decay or infection too severe to be addressed with a filling. Often, this procedure helps save the tooth from being lost or allowing infection to spread throughout the smile. In today’s blog, your Woodland Hills, CA, dentist talks about to preserve your aching tooth! In addition to addressing the immediate issue, we can provide a custom restoration that prevents further issues from occurring.

The Causes of a Dental Infection

How do people wind up with the kinds of infections that make endodontic services necessary? A physical injury that is not treated in time can worsen as bacteria access your pulp, the central chamber of your tooth. You also run the risk of experiencing an infection if you do not seek treatment for a cavity in time. You should be concerned about a possible infection if you start to experience discomfort that does not subside, if you have swelling or discomfort around the tooth, or even changes in its color.

A Safe and Comfortable Treatment Option

Through root canal treatment, your tooth’s health can be restored, and we can prevent the kinds of complications that lead to tooth loss. We can use an approach that includes Single Tooth Anesthesia, which lets us minimize the awkward feelings that people often associate with anesthetic provided during treatment, to make the overall experience easier. We can make your overall care more comfortable as we tend to your infection, and we can ensure that you are free from complications after restorative work is provided. If you have undergone a root canal in the past and feel problems with the tooth return, we can provide an evaluation and treatment.

Moving Forward

To keep your tooth safe after your procedure, we can provide a custom dental crown to secure it and provide support for your bite function. Porcelain and zirconia are two materials that we can use to make crowns that actually match the appearance of your enamel. At follow-up appointments and future dental exams, you can receive checkups that make sure your affected tooth remains healthy, and that no other teeth experience problems. One important advantage to having regular appointments is you can learn about cavities before damage is significant enough to cause complications.

Talk To Your Woodland Hills, CA Dentist About Treating Infected Teeth

We want to help our patients preserve their smiles and avoid tooth loss. When you have difficulties that point to a possible infection, you can see us to enjoy endodontic treatment that preserves your health and smile. If you have more questions about our restorative treatment options, then contact your Woodland Hills, CA, dentist’s office by calling 818-347-5124.

Dr. Naminik: