How Do You Place Dental Implants?

When you suffer from tooth loss, whether that means losing one tooth or several, you need to address the problem. Otherwise, tooth loss can have a negative impact your smile’s appearance and your overall health. In order to replace missing teeth, we may recommend dental implants. How do you place dental implants?

Frequently Asked Questions About Placing Dental Implants

Question: Who makes a good candidate for implant dentistry?

Answer: In addition to having one or more missing teeth, patients should also have enough jawbone tissue to support the new tooth. In addition, we look for patients free of advanced periodontal disease, also known as periodontitis, as this could cause implant failure. We may need to treat underlying issues before proceeding with tooth replacement.

Question: How do you place them?

Answer: We begin by choosing the best area of placement. Then, an oral surgeon will insert the implants into the jawbone. Since the dental implant will be made from titanium, which is biocompatible, it will bond with the jawbone and act as a new tooth root. After the area heals and the bonding process known as osseointegration occurs, we will add an abutment to hold a custom-made dental crown in place.

Question: Will they look like natural teeth?

Answer: Yes! The crown we place will be custom-made and shaded to blend with the rest of the patient’s smile. No one will be able to tell you have a replacement tooth, as it will match surrounding teeth.

Question: What other benefits do they offer?

Answer: They last much longer than traditional bridges or removable dentures. They can also stimulate the growth of jawbone tissue to prevent help further tooth loss and preserve your facial structure. If you have any questions about implant dentistry, then contact our team today.

Talk To Woodland Hills Dental Arts About Dental Implants

We can address your tooth loss and improve the beauty and health of your smile. Schedule a consultation by calling Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA, today at (818) 347-5124. We also proudly work with patients from Thousand Oaks, Westlake, Encino, Sherman Oaks, and all other surrounding areas.


Dr. Naminik: