How Does A Crown Help Your Smile?

Last week, we looked at how a dental filling can help your smile. In today’s blog, we’re going to focus on a more substantial dental restoration. How does a crown help your smile? What issues can we treat using one, and what should you expect from the placement process?

Problems Dental Crowns Address

When we place a crown, they cover the entire visible portion of the tooth. We can use them to treat broken or chipped teeth, as well as fractured ones. We can also fix decayed teeth, or treat dental infections. If you’ve lost a tooth, then we can anchor a dental bridge in place and restore a single tooth dental implant. They can also serve cosmetic purposes, reshaping malformed teeth and helping to close gaps between the teeth.

What Material are They Made From?

That depends on where we place them. For the teeth near the back of the mouth, which must endure more serious bite forces, we may recommend zironcia or porcelain-fused-to-metal. For teeth near the front of the mouth, we will use ceramic. All of these options can be color-matched and designed to look natural and blend with your smile, but ceramic is the most lifelike option available.

How Do You Place Them?

The entire procedure takes about two visits to complete. We begin by removing tooth structure to make room for a new restoration. We then take detailed impressions, which we will use to design and create the restoration. Once complete, we will check the fit and make adjustments as necessary. We will then place them using a powerful bonding agent. Once you return home, you can continue to take care of your smile by brushing and flossing, which will also protect your new restorations. If you have any questions about dental crowns, or any of our restorations, then please contact our office today.

Do You Need a Restoration?

If you have a damaged or decayed tooth, then you need treatment to protect your smile from further complications. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, call Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA today at 818-347-5124.


Dr. Naminik: