Proper Hydration Is Great Preventive Dental Care

Water, water you see it everywhere, and you know you should probably be drinking more of it. For years dentists have suggested eight glasses of water a day, as a minimum for staying properly hydrated. Yet most adults fail to come even close to this guideline, and that can leave them feeling more than thirsty. Drinking plenty of water is good for more than just your body; it is also essential preventive care to helping maintain a healthy smile. So even if you have failed in years past to follow through on the goal to start drinking more of it, here are a few compelling reasons to make this the year you finally achieve that important resolution.

What Can Water Do to Protect Your Smile?

Along with all the benefits it offers your body and even your brain, water also helps you make saliva, which is an important, natural plaque fighter. This is important to your smile’s health because excessive plaque buildup can lead to a whole host of dental problems. From cavities to gum disease, plaque is responsible for causing many of the most pervasive dental problems.

Saliva helps naturally limit plaque’s ability to stick to the teeth, limiting the development of acidity and the likelihood of developing cavities and even gum disease. That is how, combined with great dental hygiene like daily brushing and flossing, drinking plenty of water can help you maintain healthy teeth and gums!

Without enough water, though, you are likely to develop dry mouth, which hastens plaque buildup. (In some cases prescription medicines or other factors may also contribute to chronic dry mouth.) To prevent this, make sure to talk with your general dentist at your next checkup if you have been experiencing dry mouth. The dentist can provide additional tips for fighting plaque and other dental issues.

Dr. Naminik: