The Benefits Of Cosmetic Bonding And Contouring

Cosmetic dentistry can help you attend your next holiday party or family event with a brighter and more attractive smile. In fact, along with teeth whitening your Woodland Hills, CA, dentist also offers bonding and contouring, which can address a host of esthetic issues in just one visit.

Cosmetic Treatment Before the New Year

Don’t enter the holiday season or New Year with a smile that makes you feel self-conscious. Whether you have severe discoloration, or issues with the alignment and shape of your teeth, we can help with cosmetic dentistry. We will perform an exam to assess the state of your smile and also discuss your goals for your oral health and appearance of the teeth. Next, we create a personalized treatment plan to help improve the appearance of your teeth in as little as one visit in some cases!

Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is an excellent way to improve your smile’s appearance in just one sitting. To start, we need to clean your teeth and remove any decay. We then etch the surface of the teeth and prepare the composite resin. A unique blend of plastic and glass, this durable restoration material is used in our metal-free fillings and can be shaded to match the color of the tooth itself. We apply the material in several layers, molding the tooth as we cure the composite resin underneath a special light. Finally, we polish the tooth for a more attractive appearance. In a single visit, we can mask permanent teeth stains, the kind that may not respond to most teeth whitening treatments. Our team can also reshape malformed teeth, lengthen worn down teeth, and repair minor chips and cracks. Treatment with bonding can close unsightly gaps between the teeth as well.

Dental Contouring

In the same visit, we can also contour your teeth. Again, we can address a number of cosmetic issues in one sitting, but this time by sanding and buffing the outer structure to remove rough patches, smooth uneven portions, fix minor damage, or even correct pits or grooves. We can reduce the structure on teeth that appear overly large, or dull pointed or sharp portions. If you have any questions about our cosmetic treatment options, or if you would like to boost your smile beauty before the holidays, please contact our team today!

Do You Have Questions About Cosmetic Dentistry?

We’re ready to help you obtain a smile you can feel proud to show the world. For more information on our cosmetic treatment options, then please schedule a consultation by calling Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA today at 818-347-5124. We also proudly welcome patients from Thousand Oaks, Westlake, and all surrounding communities.


Dr. Naminik: