When Should I See The Dentist For A Filling?

A filling is a common restorative treatment for addressing minor and more advanced cases of tooth decay. While at one time they were mainly made with metals such as gold or amalgam, we offer our Woodland Hills, CA, patients an attractive and metal-free option with lifelike composite resin. Learn when you should see us for a filling, and what placement involves.

The Warning Signs of a Cavity

How do you know if you have a cavity? Well, if you attend routine six-month checkups, then we likely identify them in the earliest possible stages. Otherwise, you may not know you have one until the later stages, at which point tooth sensitivity to hot or cold foods and drinks and toothaches could arise. Without treatment, the decay could then become an infection! They form when plaque buildup and poor oral hygiene habits lead to weakened and eroded enamel that exposes inner structure to bacteria. Enamel could also become compromised when a tooth is cracked or chipped.

The Filling Process

To treat our tooth, we will first administer a local anesthetic and then remove all decay from the tooth. We then clean it thoroughly while preparing the filling material. The composite resin we use is a mixture of glass and acrylic that can be shaded to blend with your smile. We apply the material and then shape the tooth while curing the composite resin under a light. Finally, we polish the tooth to ensure a more lifelike appearance. In one visit, we prevent an infection or abscess and offer restoration that matches the appearance of the rest of your smile.

Protecting Your Smile

To avoid cavities, be sure to cut back on sugary foods and drinks, which could feed harmful bacteria and lead to serious plaque buildup, weakening the tooth. We also suggest brushing your teeth when you wake up and once more before bed for two minutes using a toothpaste with fluoride. You also benefit from flossing in between each tooth before bed. Finally, as we touched on above, be sure to see us every six months for a checkup and cleaning. We can watch out for the warning signs of trouble and discuss possible solutions or preventive options. If you have any questions, or if you would like to schedule your next exam and cleaning, then contact our team today!

Do You Have Questions About Dental Fillings?

Our team can help correct cavities and infections with lifelike materials, protecting the health and stability of your smile. For more information on our restorative treatments, please schedule a consultation by calling Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA today at 818-347-5124. We also proudly welcome patients from Encino, Sherman Oaks, and all surrounding communities.



Dr. Naminik: