Tooth Replacement With Crowns And Bridges

When you suffer from minor tooth loss, the cause could include injury, cavities, infection, or even gum disease. Even one lost tooth means trouble for your smile, which is why we may offer a solution with our dental crowns and bridges. In today’s blog, your Woodland Hills, CA, dentist will discuss how we design, create, and support a custom dental bridge.

The Crown and Bridge

The prosthetic could help us replace between one and up to three missing teeth in a row, supported by one or two dental crowns. To start, we will administer a numbing agent and remove structure from the teeth on either side of the gap in your smile. We refer to these as abutment teeth. Next, we take detailed images and impressions with digital technology. In a dental lab, the materials will be used to design and craft the finished product from ceramic. The finished bridge contains the new teeth, referred to as pontics, with the crowns attached to each end. We then attach the restorations to the abutment teeth, securing your new smile firmly in place.

Implant Prosthetic

Securing your prosthetic with restorations on abutment teeth is effective, but the prosthetic will need to be replaced every 10 top 15 years as the shape of the jaw ridge changes. However, if we instead inserted one or more dental implants into the jaw, these bond with the bone tissue and act like new roots. This stimulates the growth of bone tissue to prevent changes to the jaw ridge shape. We then attach the crowns to the implants. Not only will this preserve natural tooth structure, but this also ensures your prosthetic has the potential to last for decades to come, possibly even a lifetime!

The Benefits for Your Smile

By replacing your missing teeth, you prevent misalignment as the teeth no longer have room to drift, which occurs following untreated tooth loss. A full smile prevents bite imbalance and trained jaw joints, limiting the risk of issues of TMJ disorder and bruxism (teeth grinding). If you go for the implant option, this also prevents the gradual breakdown of mass and density in the jawbone that follows tooth loss, helping you avoid further tooth loss and an aged appearance. If you have any questions about treating tooth loss with a dental bridge, then contact our team to learn more.

Do You Have Missing Teeth?

We want to help you enjoy a strong and full smile once more with our custom prosthetics. For more information on treating issues like tooth loss, then please schedule a consultation by calling Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA today at 818-347-5124. We also proudly welcome patients from Thousand Oaks, Westlake, Encino, Sherman Oaks, and all surrounding communities.


Dr. Naminik: