Want a Trick for Preventing Cavities? It’s Great Dental Care

October is a wonderful time of year, one filled with all kinds of sweet treats. But if you don’t want to spend the next few months in the dental chair receiving restorative treatment for cavities, then smart choices and preventive care are each necessary. While most adults will unfortunately experience a cavity at least once in life, often requiring a dental filling, knowing how they form and how to care for your teeth can help reduce the likelihood that you’ll develop one. That way you can enjoy the occasional treat without forfeiting your beautiful smile.

What Causes Cavities?

Cavities are caused by dental decay, which is usually the result of plaque buildup. When left on the teeth to calcify, the plaque bacteria create acidity, which can erode the enamel of the teeth. Eventually, this can expose the layer beneath the enamel, the dentin. It’s at this point that many patients begin experiencing heightened sensitivity and/or discomfort or pain while they eat.

If treated promptly, simple treatment like a dental filling is usually enough to save the tooth. However, the longer the cavity goes untreated the more likely a tooth is to become infected, at which point root canal therapy will become necessary.

How Can You Prevent a Cavity?

Plaque feeds on sugars, which is why people that eat a lot of candy or other sweets are far more likely to develop cavities. One of the best and easiest ways to prevent cavities is by limiting how much sugar you consume.

Drinking plenty of water can also help rinse food particles and other bacteria from your mouth between brushings. It’s especially important to drink some water after having staining or acidic beverages like coffee or tea.

Finally, a good preventive care routine involves brushing and flossing daily, as well as semi-annual checkups and cleanings. If you want to avoid issues like cavities, don’t neglect regular dental visits.

Dr. Naminik: