We’re Ready For Your Next Dental Exam

You should see us at least once every six months for a dental examination. A routine checkup may seem minor, but this visit is crucial for avoiding serious oral health issues, and enjoying bright and healthy smiles. In today’s blog, your Woodland Hills, CA, dentist talks about our approach to preventive dental exams.

The Benefits of a Dental Exam

You should have a dental exam at least twice a year, and this is for kids and adults too! With a checkup, we have a chance to take a close look at your smile and identify any areas of concern, often in the very early stages. We then administer treatment to prevent complications and bring relief, so you avoid pain or tooth loss. During your exam, we will look for tooth decay, dental infection, gingivitis, gum disease, and even TMJ disorder and bruxism (teeth grinding). We also screen for oral cancer, and for kids we make sure baby teeth are falling out as they should, and that baby teeth are erupting properly.

Using Advanced Technology

We use digital x-rays and imaging systems to take clear and detailed pictures of your teeth, roots, orals structures, and jaw. The images are available instantly chairside, limiting your time in the office and letting us walk you through the diagnostic process, so you better understand your oral health. We then offer care with precision and accuracy, as our diagnosis will be far more detailed than is available with traditional x-rays or visual examinations.

Dental Cleanings

During the same visit, our team will also perform a dental cleaning. This is to remove all plaque and tartar from your teeth. Plaque, which hardens into tartar with time, cannot be removed with brushing and flossing alone (although these actions limit how much is able to accumulate). A cleaning removes them before they cause bad breath, teeth stains, tooth decay, or periodontal disease. The process involves using an ultrasonic scaling device and a manual tool to gently break up and remove the buildup. We then polish the teeth for a brighter appearance. This helps people of all ages enjoy string and healthy smiles, and keeps them bright as well!

If you have any questions about our preventive approach to dental care, or if you would like to schedule a visit for you or a member of your family, then contact our team today to learn more. We want to help you enjoy a stronger smile!

Your Woodland Hills, CA Dentist Offers Preventive Dentistry

We would like to help you and your family maintain good oral health with a preventive approach. If you would like to learn more about our approach to preventive dentistry, then contact your Woodland Hills, CA dentist, Dr. Naminik, by calling 818-347-5124.


Dr. Naminik: