Removing Harmful Buildup With A Cleaning

Over time, multiple factors could allow harmful buildup of plaque and tartar to develop. Without treatment, this could enable cavities, infections, gingivitis, and more to occur. To help remove the buildup, you need a routine six-month dental cleaning from your Woodland Hills, CA, dentist.

The Causes of Plaque and Tartar

Plaque forms as bacteria break down the particles left behind by the sugary foods and drinks, and foods high in starch, that we consume. Over time, this hardens into tartar. While brushing and flossing could limit how much accumulates, this cannot remove the buildup. The layers then weaken and erode the outer enamel from the teeth, increasing the risk of tooth decay and infection. The buildup also irritates and inflames the gum tissues, so the onset of gingivitis and gum disease is more likely. You could also have a higher risk of bad breath and stained teeth!

Dental Cleanings

To remove these layers and protect the smile, you need a dental cleaning. The process is a fairly simple one. We will gently remove all buildup with the use of an ultrasonic scaling device and a manual tool. We then polish the teeth thoroughly for a brighter appearance and smoother feel. This should be done every six months, as serious oral health issues take months to form, and routine visits could control them. We recommend these visits for everyone ages two and up! If you have high risk factors for gum disease, then you may need one every three or four months.

Controlling Plaque at Home

You should also take steps to control plaque buildup with better oral hygiene and a healthier diet. For example, taking time to brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and floss every evening could remove food partials and prevent major buildup. You can also help by cutting back on the sugar and starch in your diet, as this deprives harmful oral bacteria of an easy meal. Be sure to visit our team for a checkup and dental cleaning every six months too! A few simple actions could protect your smile from minor and serious oral health issues, so you preserve your natural teeth and never hesitate to smile or laugh.

If you have any questions about these preventive visits, then please contact our team today. We would love to schedule a visit for you or a member of your family today. A bright and healthy smile is always possible!

Your Woodland Hills, CA Dentist Offers General Dental Care

Our team wants to help safeguard your smile from issues like tooth decay and gum disease. If you would like to learn more about protecting the health of your smile, then contact your Woodland Hills, CA dentist, Dr. Naminik, by calling 818-347-5124.


Dr. Naminik: