What Exactly Are Dental Implants?

Have you ever heard of dental implants? They let us replace a single missing tooth, or support a more secure and durable fixed denture. But what are they, and how do they replace missing teeth? In today’s blog, your Woodland Hills, CA, dentist will explain what dental implants are, and how they help preserve your facial structure and oral health.

The Biocompatible Post

The implant portion is a small device that looks similar in appearance to a screw. The post is made for titanium, a biocompatible material that the body accepts as natural root structure. While removable dentures and crown-secured bridges need replacement after about 5 years, implants can last several decades, possibly even a lifetime. The implants prevent the breakdown of mass and density in the jawbone and stimulate the growth of bone structure. As a result, the jaw ridge doesn’t change shape and the facial structure is preserved, so you maintain your youthful features and a complete smile. Replacing missing teeth also helps improve your ability to eat, and to speak without complication. Your overall quality of life will improve!

The Abutment

After we insert the new roots and they bond with the jawbone through a process known as osseointegration; we will attach an abutment. The abutment is what makes it possible to secure a crown or prosthetic to your new roots, providing a firm and dependable replacement tooth.

The Restoration or Prosthetic

What about the physical portions of your smile, the parts we see when we smile? If you have an individual missing tooth, then we could attach a custom-made crown. The crown is created from lifelike materials, and can absorb daily bite forces. If you have multiple missing teeth, a custom and natural-looking bridge or set of dentures could be secured. With implant dentures, your prosthetic will never slip when you eat or speak, and will be fixed in place. You don’t need to remove them for soaking or cleaning!

If you have any questions about how we replace missing teeth then contact our team today. We want to help you maintain optimal oral health, and a smile you cannot wait to show the world!

Do You Have Any Questions About Replacing Lost Teeth?

Our team wants to help you enjoy a complete smile again, and the most lifelike and long-lasting option is a dental implant. Whether you’ve lost a single tooth, or multiple ones, we can help restore function, health, and beauty. For more details on replacing a single tooth, or replacing all of them, then please schedule a consultation by calling Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA today at 818-347-5124. We also proudly welcome patients from Thousand Oaks, Westlake, Encino, Sherman Oaks, and all surrounding communities.


Dr. Naminik: