When Your Smile Needs A Root Canal

When a cavity develops, you may need a dental filling. But what if a tooth becomes infected? To avoid worsening pain or even tooth loss, you need an endodontic procedure known as a root canal. In today’s blog, your Woodland Hills, CA, dentist discuses the value of a safe and comfortable root canal procedure.

The Importance of Endodontics

At the center of each tooth is a collection of tissues that act as the nerve center, overseeing the flow of all blood and nutrients to and from the teeth, and ensuring they remain functional. When bacteria come into contact with the pulp, the tooth becomes infected and eventually, could die and require extraction to prevent the spread of infection. This is made possible through injury that chip and cracks the outer enamel, or poor oral hygiene, both of which compromise the protective layer of enamel and exposes the sensitive inner tissue to harmful bacteria. Without treatment you risk losing teeth!

The Warning Signs of a Decayed or Infected Tooth

People with a infected tooth may report sensitive teeth or persistent toothaches, as well as pain when they chew or bite down, The tooth could experience swelling near it, causing painful pressure. A discharge could erupt for the tooth as well. If you encounter one or more of these warning signs, then let us know right away. We will examine the smile carefully and find out if you need a filling or crown, or an endodontic root canal, to preserve the tooth and prevent gaps from occurring in your smile.

Restoring the Smile

We start by administering a local anesthetic to the tooth, and then sedation to help you enter a calm and relaxed state. We open the tooth to access and remove all infected tissues from inside, and then we thoroughly clean the interior of your tooth. A special restorative material, commonly referred to as gutta percha, is then added to the interior and cured. Then final steps, the one that protects the tooth and ensures a lifelike appearance, involves placing a dental crown. No one will be able to tell your tooth has been repaired, and you enjoy a full, comfortable smile. If you have any questions about treating infections or decay, or if you want to schedule a visit, then contact our team today. Calling now means a chance to use your leftover 2020 dental insurance benefits before they expire at the end of December.

Do You Have Questions About Root Canal Treatment?

A root canal can help protect and preserve your smile for years to come. For more information on endodontic therapy, then please schedule a consultation by calling Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA today at 818-347-5124. We also proudly welcome patients from Thousand Oaks, Westlake, Encino, Sherman Oaks, and all surrounding communities.

Dr. Naminik: