Why Do You Need A Checkup And Cleaning?

The American Dental Association recommends adults and children have their teeth examined and cleaned at least once every six months. Why do you need a checkup and cleaning, isn’t brushing and flossing adequate enough? In reality, you need a checkup and cleaning to remain free of gum disease, tooth decay, and other oral health concerns. These simple, preventive visits help ensure you maintain a healthy and attractive smile.

What Happens During a Dental Checkup?

A checkup allows a doctor to thoroughly examine your smile for any signs of potential problems, including:

  • Tooth decay
  • Gum disease
  • Oral cancer

In addition to a visual scan, we will also employ advanced technology to create a detailed and accurate diagnosis. In order to accomplish this we may use digital x-rays (more detailed and use 80% less radiation), intraoral cameras, and CT scans. As we mentioned above, you should have your smile examined at least twice a year. If you have high risk factors for oral health problems then the dentist may suggest more frequent visits.

What’s the Big Deal About Cleanings?

What does a dental cleaning involve? First, the doctor or hygienist will remove the plaque buildup from the surface of the patient’s teeth. Doing so can prevent gum inflammation, improve bad breath, and even help brighten the teeth, since plaque makes staining easier to appear. As with an exam we recommend this procedure be performed once every six months.

How Do I Maintain a Healthy Smile from Home?

In addition to regular visits, you can take steps to promote a healthier smile from home. Along with scheduling a visit, we recommend patients brush their teeth twice a day and flossing once a day. If you smoke, we recommend stopping. We also suggest cutting back on foods and drinks high in sugar and other starches.

Dr. Naminik: