A Quiz on Dental Emergencies

Like all good health care, emergencies are a common part of effective general dental care, and the more you know about your dental health, the better prepared you’ll be to face an emergency situation. Today, we test how much you know about effective emergency dental care, and how to reduce the risks of your teeth being irrevocably damaged, with a short emergency dental quiz.

How Prepared Are You?

1.) Is a toothache an emergency?

a.) Yes

b.) No

2.) What is the best tool to protect your teeth from a traumatic injury?

a.) Toothbrush                                                                  c.) Mouthguard

b.) Dental floss                                                                  d.) Braces

3.) True or False – If you lose a tooth to an emergency, you can simply place it back in its socket to avoid its permanent loss.

a.) False

b.) True


1.) Yes—If your tooth hurts because it’s been traumatically injured, then there may not be any question that it’s an emergency. Often, however, toothaches are caused by a progressive dental disease that’s been around for a while, and once your tooth is sensitive, treating it promptly is a vital concern.

2.) Mouthguard—Accidental impact is a common cause for dental damage and loss. If you’re playing a contact sport, racing a bicycle, engaging in a boxing match, or any other activity that can cause injury to your mouth, be sure to wear a mouthguard to reduce the risk of an accidental emergency.

3.) True (sometimes)—If your tooth is completely knocked out, but still in one piece, there’s a good chance that it can be replaced in its socket and saved. Recover the tooth as quickly as possible, rinse it carefully (taking care to only handle the crown) and try to replace it. If it doesn’t fit, store the tooth in a small container of milk until you can reach our office. If treatment is sought within an hour or two, then you have a good chance of saving your natural tooth.

Dr. Naminik: