Your Preventive Care Makes A Difference

If you struggle to remember the last time you had an examination and cleaning with your dentist, it’s time to set up an appointment. Most people require dedicated semiannual checkups twice each calendar year in order to keep their smile safe, so if it has been longer than six months since your last visit, we would love to see you!

Take some time to speak with our team at Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA about your preventive care. Tending to your smile is an ongoing process, and you have the power to be proactive in your approach. This can allow you to work alongside your provider in identifying concerns as they develop, rather than trying to play catch up later with restorative dentistry. Catch your conditions early so that you can find a course of treatment before lasting damage has a chance to occur. At our practice, we are here to help you to eep your smile strong and beautiful as you age!

Take Care Of Your Smile With Home Prevention

Within the field of dental medicine, prevention is a key element to a successful smile. This starts with your home routine of brushing and flossing, so be sure that you are thoroughly caring for your smile. Flossing is a vital step in your regimen, giving you the ability to clean all sides of your teeth. You also need to be brushing at least twice each day, and always be sure to brush before you go to sleep. If you have a snack in the middle of the night, those food particles can remain for hours!

Preventive Examinations Help To Identify Conditions Before Damage Can Occur

You cannot do it all on your own, however. Come into the office for your semiannual checkup and receive a visual examination and imagery, which gives your provider the tools that they need to keep an eye on any changes to your smile. More consistent appointments mean that your dentist can spot troublesome developments quicker, giving you the opportunity to find treatment before lasting damage can happen.

Another positive aspect of your semiannual checkup is the removal of harmful biofilm from the surface of your teeth. When food particles remain in your mouth, bacteria feed on them and create acidic waste called plaque. This material will calcify into tartar, which requires a trained professional to remove. During your checkup, we will help you to have an immediately cleaner smile!

Learn About Preventive Care From Woodland Hills Dental Arts

If it has been too long since your last semiannual checkup, we would love to help you to renew your oral health focus. Set up an appointment with our team by calling Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA at (818)347-5124.

Dr. Naminik: