A Few Important Facts About Crooked Teeth

Crooked teeth are more common than you may realize, especially among adults. However, unlike children, adults may be more keen to ignore them out of fear of having to wear conspicuous, uncomfortable metal braces to correct them. This can be troublesome for two reasons: crooked teeth affect your bite’s ability to function, and ignoring the problem will only make it worse. Fortunately, among the many things you should know about crooked teeth is the fact that you may be able to correct them and improve your oral health without the need for traditional braces.

Teeth can grow crooked in adulthood.

One of the biggest misconceptions about crooked teeth is that they only occur in childhood, as your teeth and jawbone are still developing. Because of this belief, adult patients may not notice, or may simply ignore, the feeling that their teeth may not be aligned as properly as they once were. As adults, teeth can grow crooked for a number of reasons, including excessive pressure from bruxism or the disruptive presence of impacted wisdom teeth, and correct them is vitally important.

The consequences are more than cosmetic.

Your biggest complaint about your crooked teeth may be how they make your smile look. Yet, the consequences of crooked teeth go beyond cosmetics—when they’re not aligned properly, teeth can be subjected to immense pressure from your bite as your jaw tries to accommodate them. This can lead to teeth that are excessively worn down or damaged, as well as damage to your jaw joints (TMJs) and muscles.

Straightening crooked teeth doesn’t always require braces.

When you need to straighten crooked teeth, your dentist may be able to help you avoid traditional braces with the innovative Invisalign® system. Invisalign® utilizes a series of custom-designed, virtually invisible aligners that gradually shift your teeth into optimal positions. The aligners are more discreet than braces and are temporarily removable to make eating and practicing good hygiene easier.

Straighten Crooked Teeth without Braces

If your teeth are crooked, then you may be able to straighten them without braces by relying on Invisalign® clear aligners. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, call Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA today at 818-347-5124.

Dr. Naminik: