
A Smile Makeover With Our Custom Veneers

What if we have a single cosmetic treatment that could address multiple esthetic issues at once? Well, with porcelain veneers,…

Dr. Naminik

Cosmetic Restoration With Dental Bonding

Teeth whitening isn’t the only cosmetic treatment available for your smile. What if you have issues like misshapen or damaged…

Dr. Naminik

Brighter Smiles With A Personalized Whitening Kit

When you have stains on your smile, then you may feel embarrassed about your appearance. We understand, and we want…

Dr. Naminik

We Have A Non-Intrusive Approach To Sleep Apnea Treatment

Sleep apnea can prevent you from getting the good rest you need to function the next day, and could eventually…

Dr. Naminik

Stopping TMJ-Related Headaches

When you have persistent headaches and migraines, you may be surprised to learn this could be related to your smile.…

Dr. Naminik

Do You Grind Your Teeth At Night?

If you often wake up in the morning feeling tired and have a headache, or frequently experience sensitivity when eating,…

Dr. Naminik

Improve Your Smile With Biolase

In the past, invasive dental treatments like periodontal care could take longer appointments and cause some discomfort. Thanks to advancements…

Dr. Naminik

Dentures Provide Complete Smiles Again

In our last blog, we looked at how bridges can address minor tooth loss. But if you’ve lost most or…

Dr. Naminik

Let’s Bridge The Gap In Your Smile

If you have lost a tooth, or as many as three in a row, then you may need a dental…

Dr. Naminik

Does Your Aching Tooth Need A Crown?

Does your tooth ache, or have you sustained damage to one or more teeth? If so, then you need a…

Dr. Naminik