Could You Rest Better with Sleep Apnea Treatment?

Do you feel like you have you been struggling to get a quality night’s worth of sleep, no matter how early you go to bed or how late you sleep in? Do you wake up feeling tired, even irritable, after what you thought was a full night’s rest? Many people don’t realize that loud snoring, headaches, fatigue, inability to concentrate and even depression, can all be symptoms of obtrusive sleep apnea, a condition that affects approximately 1 in 15 people in America. Sleep apnea is a condition that can be difficult to diagnose, but in many cases one that is surprisingly simple to treat. So if you have been told you snore loudly, or if you have been experiencing many of the other symptoms of sleep apnea, it is time to talk to your dentist about how he or she might be able to help.

What Is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a condition marked by episodes when the airway becomes blocked, causing a person to either stop breathing or to breathe loudly through the mouth. These episodes result in limited oxygen flow, which can cause a person to wake, briefly, a few to hundreds of times in a single night.

Over time, even brief episodes of unrest, can begin to take a toll on a person’s overall health, leading to symptoms that include frequent headaches, particularly in the morning, weight gain, moodiness, high blood pressure, depression, and even heart disease.

Can Treatment Help?

Fortunately, your dentist may be able to help you treat sleep apnea.

For many patients, a simple oral appliance can help them rest more comfortably and sleep more soundly. An oral appliance, much like a mouth guard, is custom created to help keep the jaw in proper position as you sleep, allowing your airways to remain clear.

Oral appliances can also be used to help stop nighttime teeth grinding, known as bruxism.

Dr. Naminik: