Feeling Blue? A Dental Filling Could Help

Are you bummed that you are starting the new year with dental pain due to a cavity? Whether caused by excessive sweet treats during the holidays, many months of lax dental hygiene, or just weak teeth, the good news is that a cavity doesn’t have to be the end of your smile as you know it. In fact, a dental filling could very quickly improve the look and function of your smile. Don’t you want to enjoy this year, without worrying about your teeth? If so, it’s time to talk to your dentist about restorative treatment, like a filling, to help improve your oral health, so you can stop feeling blue and start feeling great!

Deal With That Cavity With a Dental Filling

Cavities are incredibly common, but that doesn’t make them any easier to cope with. They can be quite pesky, and even uncomfortable. Some of the most common side effects are unsightly dark lines along the crevices of a tooth, sensitivity while eating or drinking hot or cold foods or beverages, such as soup or ice cream, and even pain, which can make everyday activities like a lunch date or a coffee break more painful than pleasant.

The good news is that they can also be easy to deal with, particularly if you know what symptoms to watch for, and call your restorative dentist at the first sign of trouble.

With prompt treatment, a simple and minimally invasive dental filling is usually adequate for treating a cavity. In fact, it can even improve the look of your smile, thanks to the use of composite resin, which is made to match the shade and shape of your natural teeth.

So there is no reason to delay treatment, if you may be dealing with a cavity. Instead, start this year on a bright now, by giving your smile the restorative care it needs to be a source of pride for years to come.

Dr. Naminik: