Will My Dentures Fit Comfortably?


Losing a majority of your teeth means poor oral health and complications with everything from speaking to eating. In order to return smiles to full functional and appearance, we need to create and place a denture. But what does your Woodland Hills, CA, dentist do to ensure your new full or partial dentures will fit comfortably?

When Do We Need Them?

When you lose all or most of your teeth, you need a full set of dentures. If you lose several and the gaps are spread out across the arch, then a partial may be the best choice. Addressing tooth loss is essential. When we lose multiple teeth, this can make eating our favorite foods difficult, meaning we must subsist on soft foods and deprive ourselves of crucial nutrients. In addition, speaking clearly is often difficult, and the remaining teeth could shift from position, leading to misalignment and a greater risk of tooth decay and gum disease. The pressure missing teeth place on your jaw joints and bite balance could also mean a greater risk of TMJ disorder and bruxism as well!

Creating Your Prosthetics

To begin, we will need to take detailed impressions, images, and measurements of your smile. We use this information to design your prosthetic. Both full and partial dentures have bases created from acrylic that is designed to look like gum tissue. Both also have replacement teeth crafted from ceramic and other durable materials, which means they absorb bite forces and also look natural, reflecting your facial structure and any remaining teeth. The full is held in place with suction and replaces all teeth on one or both arches. The partial is held in place with metal clasps that attach to natural teeth. Both help return your smile to full function, beauty, and health!

Preserving Your New Smile

We will provide detailed instructions for maintaining and caring for your prosthetics. They tend to last about 5 to 10 years, requiring replacement as the jaw ridge changes shape over time. Routine care can help preserve any remaining natural teeth and ensure your prosthetic remains bright and attractive. We want to make sure you continue to enjoy a comfortable fit and durable tooth replacement, so we will recommend regular checkup visits so we can monitor your new smile. If you have any questions about addressing advanced cases of tooth loss, then contact our team today.

Do You Have Missing Teeth?

If you have one or more missing teeth, then we can help you enjoy optimal health and a whole smile. For more information on tooth replacement, please schedule a consultation by calling Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA today at 818-347-5124. We also proudly welcome patients from Thousand Oaks, Westlake, and all surrounding communities.



Dr. Naminik: