
Looking For A Brighter Smile This Summer?

Summer time means plenty of social interactions, gathering with friends to swim, enjoy the warm weather, and head outdoors. Which…

Dr. Naminik

How Do We Avoid Tooth Loss?

In our last blog, we talked a little bit about implant dentistry, which we can use to address tooth loss…

Dr. Naminik

Common Questions About Dental Implants

When we see patients in Woodland Hills, CA, with missing teeth, we talk them about their options. We want to…

Dr. Naminik

4 Benefits Of Porcelain Veneers

Cosmetic treatment enables our Woodland Hills, CA, team to improve smile beauty for patients of all ages. With one procedure…

Dr. Naminik

Fixing Crooked Teeth With Cosmetic Aligners

Metal brackets and wires are not the only option for addressing misalignment. To help our Woodland Hills, CA, patients with…

Dr. Naminik

How Do You Create A Porcelain Veneer?

For those with esthetic concerns about their smile, porcelain veneers offer a complete transformation in as little as two visits.…

Dr. Naminik

How Tooth Bonding Could Improve Your Smile

As part of our cosmetic dental care procedures, we offer a treatment that improves the shape and color of your…

Dr. Naminik

How Does Your Cosmetic Dentist Brighten Teeth?

If you have stained teeth, then we may be able to help you achieve a brighter smile with our professional…

Dr. Naminik

How Do You Create Fillings That Match Your Smile?

When a cavity forms, the problem will only get worse unless treated. An ignored cavity could soon lead to an…

Dr. Naminik

Will Dental Implants Support A Bridge Or Denture?

Typically, placing a dental bridge require crowns and if you receive dentures, they usually rely on suction or even metal…

Dr. Naminik