Care For Porcelain Veneers: 3 Simple Suggestions

You know that a smile with porcelain veneers is one that will look extraordinarily spectacular. However, you might discover that you worry the upkeep will end up making it not exactly worth your while to improve your smile in this way. Fortunately, you’ll be extremely happy to learn that your smile is going to remain just as easy to care for as it is right now (and in our opinion, that’s pretty easy). Consider a few simple suggestions that will show you what you can expect.

Suggestion #1: Brush, Floss (Then Repeat)

As you likely have guessed, the first step in caring for your porcelain veneers will be to brush them. Remember that they are only covering the visible tissue of your tooth, so you’ll continue brushing natural tissue along with the veneers. You’ll brush twice every day as we always instruct for healthy teeth and gums. Then, remember to floss every day.

Suggestion #2: Don’t Forget Those Cleanings And Checkups

Don’t assume that just because your smile looks amazing that it doesn’t need professional attention. You’ll still need your cleanings and exams that you set up for yourself twice a year. Receive professional preventive care every six months to keep your smile sparkling and healthy.

Suggestion #3: Remember, They’re Only Durable

Don’t forget: You don’t need to treat your porcelain veneers like they’re super fragile and ready to break: They aren’t! They are extremely durable, so you can eat, talk, enjoy your life, and not obsess over them. However, it’s important to pretend like they’re extensions of your natural teeth so you don’t accidentally convince yourself that they’re armor. They can become damaged, stained, etc., so don’t forget!

Ask Your Questions About Veneers During A Consultation

Come in for a consultation to learn about porcelain veneers, so your smile can become even more beautiful. Why not schedule a visit in Woodland Hills, CA, today at by calling Woodland Hills Dental Arts at (818) 347-5124? We also proudly welcome patients from Thousand Oaks, Westlake, Encino, Sherman Oaks, and all surrounding communities.