Extend The Benefits Of Cosmetic Dentistry

benefitsblueHave you recently received a cosmetic dentistry treatment? What did you do to improve the beauty of your smile? Did you receive veneers? Perhaps you achieved a brilliant, snowy smile with whitening. Whatever the case, you likely glance at your smile and marvel at the results, while an underlying worry crops up: “How can I make these benefits last?” you might ask yourself. Don’t worry! Prolonging the life of your esthetic improvements is something that is very easy to accomplish. Consider some (surprisingly simple) advice.

Become Dental Hygiene Dedicated

The most often overlooked and most essential piece of advice for protecting the results of your cosmetic dentistry treatment follows: Keep your smile clean and healthy. This means you need to become dedicated to brushing your teeth (2x daily) and flossing your smile (1x daily). As for scheduling visits for cleanings and checkups, this is just as important and will promote more effective dental hygiene! See us twice annually for best results.

Beware The Culprits

What are the culprits that can damage cosmetic dentistry treatments? Well, let’s begin by thinking about the ways you can end up with esthetic damage. You can incur a crack or chip. You can erode your teeth. Or, you may experience stains. Here’s the best way to avoid such problems:

  • Avoid chip- or crack-causing culprits, which may include food that is too hard to bite, relying on ice as a snack, or chewing on hard objects like pens
  • Do something about biting your nails or bruxism if it’s a problem, so you can protect your teeth
  • Limit the amount of staining foods and drinks you consume (or remember to rinse and brush afterwards)