Foods That Can Destroy Your Cosmetic Work

Cosmetic dentistry helps you end up with a smile that you feel extremely excited about! It’s white, it’s beautiful, it’s everything you ever hoped it would be. Fortunately, it can stay that way for a very long time if you know how to avoid damage. If not, however, you can end up facing chips, stains, and more. So, before you assume your diet is safe for your smile, let’s review some possible problems.

Anything That Stains

Any type of food or beverage that has the capacity to stain can most certainly end up discoloring the results of your cosmetic dentistry treatment over time. How to know if it stains? Well, think about the food and whether it would leave a stain if you were to drop it on a white tablecloth. Deeply colored juices, spaghetti sauce, berries, and more will leave a mark!

Anything With Super-Hard Pieces

Now, let’s talk about messing up the results of your cosmetic dentistry as it relates to physically causing the loss of material. Chips, cracks, abrasions, and more can occur if you’re not careful. So, how to avoid such problems that can leave otherwise beautiful teeth looking not so hot? Avoid any food that can cause damage, which might include the following:

  • Extremely hard foods that won’t break apart easily when you bite them (like nuts)
  • Eating extremely crunchy foods that can scrape up your smile
  • Biting into something with immense resistance (like trying to tear apart a too-chewy bagel)
  • Biting into sticky candy to which your tooth becomes stuck

Protect Cosmetic Care With Our Suggestions

Remember to learn more about how to protect your cosmetic dentistry treatments by filling up on tips from our team. Why not schedule a visit in Woodland Hills, CA, today at by calling Woodland Hills Dental Arts at (818) 347-5124? We also proudly welcome patients from Thousand Oaks, Westlake, Encino, Sherman Oaks, and all surrounding communities.