How Cosmetic Dentistry Closes Gaps

smilegapFor many of the patients we see, their main concern includes gaps between their teeth that they find displeasing. Perhaps you have a sizable gap between your two front teeth and you wish you could close it. Maybe you have small spaces between most of your teeth and you would love to do something about them. Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry provides multiple options for closing gaps, so your smile looks beautifully consistent, as teeth appear flush next to one another. Find out more!

Bonding Is On The Job

Let’s say you have a tiny gap between two teeth but the rest of your smile is A-OK. When we need to spot-treat a particular issue, dental bonding is often the cosmetic dentistry treatment of choice. It’s quick, convenient, and will transform your smile, so your teeth appear to touch. (Remember, we will match the color of the composite we use to your tooth, so everything looks natural).

You May Need Invisalign

When you’re dealing with a lot of spacing or spacing in conjunction with other misalignment concerns, the best way to approach your smile may be with allover teeth shifting. We will align your teeth (instead of relying on creating the illusion of closed gaps) with Invisalign treatment.

Porcelain Veneers To The Rescue

When patients come to us in need of closed gaps, porcelain veneers are immediately on the table as an option. When a patient is seeking additional fixes from cosmetic dentistry, veneers become an even better solution because they can close spaces and address a multitude of other concerns.