The Benefits Of Guided Implant Placement

Placing one or more dental implants could help people with tooth loss enjoy a stunning new smile, one that looks great and restores function and health. But how do we place them? In today’s blog, we’re going to take a closer look at the technology we employ to address tooth loss, whether minor or severe. Let’s talk about the benefits of guided implant placement for our Woodland Hills, CA, patients.

CT Scanning and Dental Implant Placement

A dental implant doesn’t need crowns or natural suction to remain in place. Instead, we insert them firmly into the jawbone. There, they bond with the jawbone like a natural tooth root, through a process known as osseointegration. However, we need to make sure we place them properly, as your dental implants need to support your new teeth and absorb bite forces and pressure. To do this, we take digital impressions, meaning a series of digital images, and create a 3D computer model of your smile, including your jawbone, oral structures, and teeth. We then plan the placement process and use a computer to guide the procedure, inserting your new tooth root into the best possible area of the jaw. We also employ Single Tooth Anesthesia (STA), which is a needle-free and computer-guided process to ensure your comfort throughout the procedure.

The Benefits of Implant Dentistry

Bonding with the jawbone like a natural root means your dental implant is strong and sturdy, often able to stay in place for decades, if not a lifetime, with proper care and attention. In comparison, traditional bridge and dentures often need to be repaired after only ten years. To ensure they look natural and blend with your smile, we top individual dental implants with a custom-made dental crown, and address severe gaps with custom bridges or dentures. Once complete, your new teeth will blend seamlessly with our smile, and help you enjoy a full and beautiful smile, with results designed to last for years.

Preventing Further Tooth Loss

Implant dentistry also stimulates the growth of jawbone tissue. When we lose teeth, the body often stops supplying the jawbone around the lost tooth with key nutrients. Deprived of essential nutrients, the jawbone begins to break down, a process that could cause further tooth loss. Fortunately, addressing your smile with implant dentistry can help avoid this undesirable outcome! If you have any more questions about addressing tooth loss, or about our guided placement process, then contact our team today.

Woodland Hills Dental Offers Missing Tooth Replacement

With advanced technology, we can help you achieve lifelike and long-lasting replacement teeth. Schedule a consultation to discuss implant dentistry by calling Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA, today at (818) 347-5124. We also proudly work with patients from Thousand Oaks, Westlake, all other surrounding areas.