Today’s advanced dental methods and treatments offer solutions for patients with virtually any type of dental health concern. Sometimes, though, repairing or improving a tooth can require altering its natural structure, which will have permanent effects on the health and integrity of your tooth. At our office, we focus on biomimetic methods to preserve a maximum amount of tooth structure and biocompatible materials that closely mimic the appearance of your healthy, natural teeth.
Technology for More Precise Treatment
The first, and perhaps most important, step to any dental treatment is a comprehensive examination and diagnosis. To ensure that any treatment we prescribe offers the maximum results, we’ll use advanced digital imaging equipment, such as digital X-rays, that offer a clear and easy to read picture of your oral health. If your examination uncovers a cavity, noticeable wear on your tooth, a cracked or fractured tooth, or any other issue that requires restoration, then we’ll work with you to design a treatment involving the most biomimetic methods.
Lifelike Materials for Longer-Lasting Results
Cavity treatment is one of the most common dental treatments, and it offers one of the most significant examples of the benefits of biomimetic dentistry. Traditionally, cavities have been treated with metal amalgam fillings, which are made from a mixture of trace metals. By contrast, we utilize a more biocompatible, safer, and more discreet alternative—tooth-colored composite resin. Composite resin is made from a mixture of finely ground, BPA-free acrylic and quartz like particles. It can be custom-tinted to match your tooth and adheres better to your tooth structure, improving the long-term health of your tooth.
Learn More About Biomimetic Dentistry
With a strong focus on preserving your healthy tooth structure, our biomimetic approach to personalized dental care can help you restore your smile in a more natural and biocompatible way. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, call Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA today at 818-347-5124.