Category: General Dentistry

Proper Hydration Is Great Preventive Dental Care

Water, water you see it everywhere, and you know you should probably be drinking more of it. For years dentists have suggested eight glasses of water a day, as a minimum for staying properly hydrated. Yet most adults fail to come even close to this guideline, and that can leave them feeling more than thirsty…. Read more »

Enjoy the Holidays and a Healthy Smile, with Smart Dental Choices

Everyone wants to start the new year with a beautiful and healthy smile. Unfortunately, sometimes holiday celebrations can get in the way of that goal. If you spend too much time eating sugary treats or indulging in alcoholic beverages, you may just find that you’ve developed a cavity or other dental issue, and have to… Read more »

Dentist-Approved Gift Ideas that Won’t Destroy Their Smiles

There is nothing quite like the joy on a child’s face come Christmas morning. But if, in years past, it was always candy and other sweets that elicited those smiles, it’s time to consider some dentist-approved alternatives. After all, there is no need to pack your kids’ stockings full of sugar, or their plates full… Read more »

Be Thankful for a Healthy Smile and Help Keep It That Way

Chances are, you’ll soon be gathered around a table with all your favorite people and your favorite foods. As you reminisce and discuss what blessings the year brought, you’ll also likely chow down on your grandma’s famous marshmallow-covered sweet potato casserole, and then face the toughest decision of the day, pecan or pumpkin pie. But… Read more »

Are You In Need of Restorative Dentistry?

Sometimes dental issues are clearly felt, for instance when an infected tooth is causing severe pain. Sometimes symptoms of oral health problems can be seen, such as bleeding gums, a crack in a tooth, or the grey lines of a cavity. Sadly, often dental symptoms go either unnoticed or ignored, making extensive restorative treatment a… Read more »

Your Smile’s Beauty Depends on Healthy Gums

Most people are concerned with the appearance of their smiles, especially their teeth. A bright and shiny smile can make a person feel confident and ready to face the world. Unfortunately one of the greatest threats to oral health is often overlooked, even by those with diligent dental hygiene routines; it’s gum disease. If you’re… Read more »

A Quiz on Dental Emergencies

Like all good health care, emergencies are a common part of effective general dental care, and the more you know about your dental health, the better prepared you’ll be to face an emergency situation. Today, we test how much you know about effective emergency dental care, and how to reduce the risks of your teeth… Read more »