Category: Cosmetic Dentistry

Do You Want A Brighter Smile In The New Year?

2019 is a chance to make big changes! Why not take this time to consider making those changes to your smile? A focus on better oral hygiene could help our Woodland Hills, CA, patients enjoy healthier and brighter smiles. Let’s see what positive changes you could make in the upcoming year.

How Do Porcelain Veneers Transform A Smile?

If you have issues with the shade and shape of your teeth, don’t assume multiple procedures and visits will be necessary to improve your smile. With porcelain veneers, we offer our patients in Woodland Hills, CA, a smile transformation. Let’s look at how we create and place these lifelike restorations.

How Do You Create Invisalign® Aligners?

We use custom-made clear aligners to help patients enjoy even smiles. To create these aligners, we employ advanced technology, which offers a number of benefits over traditional impression materials. Let’s look at how we create Invisalign® aligners for our Woodland Hills, CA, patients.

4 Benefits Of Invisalign® Clear Braces

Metal braces are not the only option for correcting an uneven smile. We can use clear aligners to provide a practically invisible solution to misalignment. What are the benefits of clear braces? How do we create these custom-made aligners?

What Are The Benefits Of Veneers?

If you have issues with the appearance of your smile, such as discoloration or misshapen teeth, we can repair the teeth with cosmetic dentistry. For example, porcelain veneers can transform the smile in as little as two visits. Let’s talk about the benefits of veneers.

How Does Bonding And Contouring Improve Smiles?

When patients come to us with chipped, stained, or damaged teeth, we can correct these issues with cosmetic dentistry. You may be surprised to learn that two of our cosmetic procedures can often correct a problem in just one visit. How does bonding and contouring improve smiles?

Does Your Smile Need Cosmetic Dentistry?

If you have issues with the appearance of your teeth, whether this means the color or shape, then you can benefit from cosmetic treatment. If your smile needs cosmetic dentistry, we can help with a variety of treatments options to help transform smiles, often in as little as one visit.

What Benefits Will Veneers Provide?

If you have issues with the shape or color of your teeth, we can use cosmetic dentistry to improve the esthetics of your smile. With porcelain veneers, we can actually transform the appearance of your smile and target multiple cosmetic issues, from discoloration and chipped teeth to gaps between teeth.

Can Invisalign® Fix My Uneven Smile?

If you have crowded or crooked teeth, then you may feel embarrassed about the appearance of your smile. Fortunately, we can use clear aligners to correct the misalignment and help you enjoy a straighter smile without metal orthodontics. Ready to try Invisalign®?

Quiz: Will Veneers Transform My Smile?

We’ve discussed teeth whitening and dental bonding, but what if there was a cosmetic procedure that could completely change the appearance of your smile? With porcelain veneers, we can transform your smile in as little as two visits. What should you expect from this cosmetic treatment option?